22 Vignerons
Who knew the French would be so good at making wine? Rather than rest on centuries of tradition, the cradle of modern winemaking is still innovating its way to new frontiers in deliciousness.
14 Vignerons
After decades of fascist neglect, Spain’s wine industry is fully revived and cranking out vivacious, fascinating wines, from the green, windswept north to the golden, sun-kissed, uh, entire rest of the country.
4 Vignerons
Portuguese farmers tend some of the oldest vineyards in Europe, and their hard work and expertise produce some of the best values in the world. Tiny country, massive flavor.
2 Vignerons
Dominated by the Alps across the north, and the Apennines down its spine, Italy is a wonderland of intense and subtle flavors. (only two vignaioli here due to a warehousing conflict)
Germany & AUSTRIA
3 Vignerons
Fastidious standards and exacting discipline make for some of the most elegant and electric white wines on earth. But German wines are a dazzling spectrum beyond the famous riesling. Forget about that pesky Blue Nun.
Austria crams a dizzying swath of landscape and climate diversity into a relatively tiny wine region, and the results go so far beyond the (admittedly wonderful) gruner veltliner.